Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wednesday, A New Sort of Deck

I thought I'd do something a little different for hump day. This is a Petit Lenormand deck, Under the Roses. I'm still rather new at reading these... but they are interesting!
I did a 5 card line spread.
Basically, this spread is read
1-2 3 4-5
1 2-3 4 5
and finally
1 2 3-4 5
You can also read them together.
Card 3 is considered the Significantor. It's the main theme of the reading. Some will shuffle the deck and flip it then pull the cards from around the Lady or Gentlemen or Child (whichever fits!). I didn't. I let it be random!
I pulled, off the top of the deck, a 6th card. This is sometimes called the 'hidden card'. It pertains to things bubbling just under the surface of a situation.

So, the Fish and the Snake point to a possible money issues. (I will be broke by then! Hehehe.)
The Sickle, the Significator, speaks of a situation that involves change.
The Locket and the Letter are more romantic, these two speak of romantic messages or intents. Or just a heartfelt message.
The Snake to the Sickle is recovery.
The Lilies to the Sickle speak to healing.

I *think* there are two things going on. One involves an older woman recovering from health issues. Or, it is purely a health reading. A fear that I may be let down, that something may end...but a healing may take place instead. I hope so.
As I said. I'm new to this system.

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