Saturday, August 2, 2014

A Birthday Celtic Cross

Celtic Cross Spread, Tarot of the White Cats

The Celtic Cross is one of those spreads that everyone does. It's offered in nearly every beginner's guide even though it is a fairly advanced spread-not an easy one for a new-comer to grasp.

That said. It is a good spread, full of information and advice. I read this one on someone's birthday. A gift. A warning. Fun for all ages... even as 29 creeps closer. Any ways. Here is the variant that I used:

There are a few different ways to draw and read the Celtic Cross. People love to change the 'Cross' part around. This one is the one I use. It's pretty much the same thing as the variant on the Biddy Tarot website.

I used the Tarot of the White Cats. This Tarot deck is a newer one for me. It's pretty close to a standard Rider-Waite deck.. but with cats. This makes it more awesome. No questions asked.

For 1 I drew the four of Chalices, reversed.
For 2 I drew the 9 of Wands.
For 3 I drew the Knave of Swords, reversed.
For 4 I drew the 4 of Pentacles.
For 5 I drew the Seven Of Wands, reversed.
For 6 I drew the 4 of Wands.
For 7 I drew the Knave of Wands, reversed.
For 8 I drew the 9 of Cups.
For 9 I drew the 5 of Pentacles, reversed.
For 10 I drew the King of Cups.
The background card was the Empress.

OK. The Empress suggests a lean towards feminine energy. This can be a place of creation, the 'birth' of a new idea or process. The Empress seeks comfortable living and abundance. This is the general drive at this time.
This was also the only Major Arcana card drawn. The lack of Major Arcana cards suggests that these trends are of a human making. Things can be controlled and shaped easier.

Overall, this spread contains many Wands. There are two Pentacles, two Chalices and one Sword. A large amount of Wands involve Fire, the concepts of mental activity and creation of new ideas. This is day to day work in the development stage.

Reading the Cross.

I read cards one and two together. The 4 of Chalices reversed is still a good card. This card is suggesting that happiness and good stuff are coming soon, if the groundwork for it has been done. The 9 of Wands supports this. Success after a hard battle is at hand. Do not fall into isolationism or despair. If the 4 of Cups is to improve, then the battle must be fought.

The past card three, suggested by the Reversed Knave of Swords, suggests a lot of talk but little action. There have been a number of promises made to the person that were not upheld. Work through things one at a time instead of all at once.

The future in card four, 4 of Pentacles, is all about the good things in life. Goals will be accomplished. Wealth may be made. Be wary that this does not become the end-all/be-all.

I believe cards five and sic are related. Card five is the current goal of the self. It is the 7 of Wands. This suggests that the person may wish to throw in the towel as there has been too many projects taken on at once. Focusing in on a few at a time sounds great, right now. Card six is the 4 of wands. The unconscious mind wishes to build a home, a family, a life. It seeks harmony and stability. Perhaps simplification is a way to achieve that.

The Upright Section, Advice and Ending.

Card seven, the Knave of Wands reversed, suggests that new ventures may be difficult to get off the ground. Perhaps biding one's time for a short period is in order. The next card, card eight- the reversed 9 of Chalices, plays into that. This card is the external influences. It would seem that measuring others by their belongings is felt as a pressure. Over-use of intoxicants may be another.

Card nine, the 5 of Pentacles reversed, is the hopes and fears. This card is generally the 'poverty' card. It's reversed, this is a good this. It would suggest that abject poverty is a fear of the person...while getting out from under the grind of poverty is a strong desire.

The tenth card, the King of Cups is a good end. This card is one of emotional balance and control. There is a generosity of spirit, and a happiness that is sustainable. The hardships of the Wands, the reversals and the betrayals of the upside down Knight of Swords have moved past the miserly 5 of Pentacles to craft a well developed sense of what is actually important.

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